Christmas Charity TOMBOLA!
Wednesday 11th December at 7 pm

Wednesday 11th December from 7 pm
Our annual Charity event is here! We will donate to the MS Society. As usual, 100% of the proceedings will go straight to them. We can do this thanks to you and the collaborations of our wine producers and suppliers.
Tombola is the great-grandmother of Bingo, and it is an Italian custom for families to gather during the Christmas period to play Tombola until late in the evening.
We gather to enjoy each other's company, play games, and eat traditional Christmas sweets, and that's exactly what we would love to do with you!
Lambrusco All Night
Pandoro & Panettone
2 Tombola cards
*If you're unfamiliar with the rules of Tombola, don't worry, there will be an explanation at the start of the evening!
No service charge - Vinarius does NOT automatically add the 12.5% service charge to your bill.